How it Works

Scan what you want
Save time! Scan and bag items while you shop and skip the line.

Weighted items too
No barcode? No problem. Type in the lookup number and the weight.

Pay with your card
Save your payment card to make checkout a breeze every time.
You’ve got questions,
we have answers
What is Express Checkout?
There’s an app for that! There really is – Take your Smartphone (iOS or Android) into your local retailer and use it to skip the checkout line. Download the Express Checkout App, scan your items then pay with your card right in the app. (Merchant contingent)
Who thought of this (Who are you)?
You did! By now, if you use your smartphone, you probably questioned why you are standing in that stupid checkout line instead of using your phone to scan and pay for your purchases. With Express Checkout shoppers can skip that line at the grocery, pharmacy, home store or other retailers.
Express Checkout is brought to you by a group of world class app developers and impatient shoppers located in NYC and your local merchant. It takes considerable effort on the part of a retailer to integrate the Express Checkout app into their checkout system – be sure to let them know you appreciate it click here to leave feedback. If you want to shop with your phone and your local retailer (large or small) doesn’t support the Express Checkout app then send them and us a message and we will help them get started: Click here to contact us directly.
Are thieves a problem?
Thieves are always a problem, a plight on the community. For grocery stores where margins are modest shoplifting forces prices up and honest shoppers pay for it. We have systems in place to prevent the exploitation of the Merchant, Express Checkout, and You. App users start by giving us a self-portrait (a selfie) so the merchant can recognize them. Then the bag check process is a smart system that significantly reduces the opportunity to shoplift store items, and make sure you are not double charged. Your photo also protects you, confirming you're the one using your account. All this is to keep the experience secure, fun and affordable (free to shoppers).
Will I still see my favorite clerk?
Yes you will, and you will both avoid the backache that comes from lifting your purchases in and out of the cart. Cashiers will no longer scan each item, they are there to verify the scans – did you miss something or did you double charge yourself?
What about privacy and security?
Your payment information is encrypted and protected by Stripe. No copies are stored anywhere else - period. Stripe security: PCI; SSL & HSTS; Encryption; and a vulnerability reward program. For information on Stripes' security click here.
Then when you start shopping the Express Checkout app will ask you for a selfie (picture of you) to prevent someone else from using your phone or ID. The store staff will be able to confirm your purchase with your picture and name at bag check.
Finally, we do not will not sell your personal information or spam your email (we hate that too).
Help with CardStar
You can get help for any CardStar related issue such as trouble accessing your account by emailing [email protected].
Other Questions
We'd be glad to answer your question - you can reach us by email.